Sore Throat Treatment
What Is Good For Sore Throat?
Sore throat is a symptom of a disease that reduces the quality of life and frightens everyone, especially about Covid-19. Symptoms that can be explained as itching, burning in the throat, difficulty in swallowing can cause serious distress. Sore throat, which everyone experiences frequently throughout their life, may be due to different ailments.
The most common cause of sore throat is viral infections such as the common cold or flu. Sore throat due to viral infection can go away in a few days, but sore throat caused by bacterial infection can only go away with antibiotics given under the control of a doctor. In addition, causes such as stomach diseases, allergic reactions, respiratory tract problems can also cause sore throat.
What Are the Causes of Sore Throat?
Viruses that cause colds and flu can also cause a sore throat. Bacterial infections and other causes can also cause a sore throat.
common cold
Mono (Mononucleosis > EBV virus)
CMV virus
Coronavirus (Covid-19)
streptococcal bacteria
Sore throat, one of the symptoms felt before the coronavirus (COVID-19), must be evaluated. The main cause should be determined by testing for the symptom that is often confused with the sore throat experienced in the flu or the common cold. In addition to the sore throat caused by the coronavirus, there are also high fever, dry cough, difficulty in breathing, weakness, headache and loss of taste and smell.
There may also be different causes that lead to a sore throat. This type of sore throat, which is caused by being affected by the situations that exist in life rather than diseases, also affects life negatively.
Allergies: Allergies to pet dander, mold, dust and pollen can cause sore throats. Throat irritation caused by these allergens creates a runny nose that causes inflammation.
Dryness in the air: Lack of sufficient humidity in the air indoors can cause itchy throat and dryness in the throat. Due to chronic nasal congestion, which is usually experienced, breathing through the mouth, especially at night, can cause dryness and pain in the throat.
Irritants: Air pollution, cigarette smoke or exposure to chemicals, especially cleaning materials used in the home, can also cause chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol, eating spicy foods, and consuming bitter and sour foods can also irritate the throat and cause pain.
Muscle tension: Talking loudly, shouting constantly, talking for a long time without rest causes the throat muscles to tense. This can also cause a sore throat.
Reflux disease: Reflux is a digestive system disorder in which stomach acids back up into the esophagus. As the acids come back up to the throat, the throat becomes irritated by the acid and causes pain.
HIV infection: HIV infection can cause a sore throat. In addition, a viral infection called cytomegalovirus (CMV) can occur due to a fungal infection called oral thrush, which occurs in the mouth due to HIV positive. This can cause a chronic sore throat.
Tumors: Cancerous tumors in the throat, tongue or larynx cause sore throat. Other symptoms may include hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, noisy breathing, a lump in the neck, and blood in the saliva.
What Are the Symptoms of Sore Throat?
Sore throat symptoms can vary depending on the ailment causing the sore throat. Symptoms of sore throat can be listed as follows:
Sore throat and/or itching
Pain that is difficult with swallowing or speaking
difficulty swallowing
Painful swollen lymph nodes in the neck and jaw
swelling in the tonsils
White spots on the tonsils
muffled voice
Infections that cause a sore throat can cause:
High fever
runny nose
halsialic, pain
nausea or vomiting
Sore throat caused by viral infections usually lasts for up to a week and goes away without the need for medical treatment. If the sore throat continues for a long time without decreasing (2-3 weeks), a doctor should be consulted without wasting time. Because persistent sore throat may be due to a more serious problem. If the following symptoms are observed along with a sore throat, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Difficulty breathing and swallowing
pain in the throat
muffled voice
What Are the Risks in Sore Throat?
Age: Sore throat complaints develop very often in children and young people. Children between the ages of 3 and 15 have a sore throat, usually due to the most common bacterial infection, streptococcal throat infection. emerging in old age
Exposure to cigarette smoke: Smoking and/or exposure to smoke irritates the throat and can cause a sore throat. The use of tobacco products also increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and larynx.
Allergies: Seasonal allergies, allergic reactions to dust, mold or pet hair can cause nasal congestion and sore throat.
Exposure to chemicals: Fuels, household cleaning materials, chemicals in cosmetics can irritate and dry the throat. In this way, sore throat may develop.
Immune system weakness: Having a weak immune system means getting infections more easily. The decrease in immunity may develop due to HIV, diabetes (diabetes), being in cancer treatment with steroids or chemotherapy drugs, stress, weakness and malnutrition.
How Is Sore Throat Diagnosed?
The exact cause should be determined by analyzing what triggers the sore throat. During a physical exam, your doctor will look at your throat, ears, and nostrils and check your lymph nodes. If your doctor deems it necessary, a throat culture is taken to detect a throat infection caused by streptococcal bacteria.
To take a throat culture, your doctor takes a sample with a sterile swab inserted into the back of your throat. Send it to the lab. In addition, infections of the nasal passageways, throat and sputum cultures can be taken and sent for analysis.
How is the Treatment of Sore Throat?
A sore throat caused by a viral infection lasts for about five to seven days and often goes away without the need for medical treatment. Sore throat caused by mild cold and flu cases will improve with plenty of fluid consumption and rest. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications to relieve your sore throat.
If your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics as a result of the examination. Not using the prescribed drugs as directed by the doctor may cause the infection to worsen and even spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, take care to use your medicines in accordance with your doctor's prescription and on time.
What are the Natural Treatment Methods Good for Sore Throat?
When a sore throat is not chronic, the following simple but comforting measures may be helpful:
Gargle with warm and salt water.
Compress the outer part of your throat with a hot water bag or hot towel. But make sure it's hot enough not to burn your skin.
Before going to bed at night, make sure that the air in the room is humid.
Make sure your drinks are not too hot or too cold.
Consume plenty of water.
If you have a sore throat, eat softer things.
Avoid cigarettes and cigarette smoke.
Do not consume spicy food.
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties. You can consume apple cider vinegar in small amounts with warm water.
How to Prevent Sore Throat?
The most important way to prevent a sore throat will be to stay away from germs, that is, to give importance to hygiene.
When you return from outside, make sure to wash your hands with soap.
All items used must be personal. Materials such as towels, glasses and spoons should be special for you only and should be washed with hot water.
While coughing or sneezing, the mouth and nose should be covered with disposable tissues, if there is no tissue nearby during coughing or sneezing, the inside of the elbow should be used.
In cases where soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand disinfectants or cologne should be used.
Products such as shared phones, remote controls, computer keyboards should be cleaned frequently with appropriate disinfectant products.
Patients should not be in contact with people who are sick, at least 2 meters of social distance rule should be observed.
Attention should be paid to nutrition, plenty of vegetables and fruits should be consumed.
Our Clinical Information
He was born in 1981 in Zile district of Tokat. Starting primary school at Rize Atatürk Primary School, Dr. Deniz Yazıcı continued his education life in the Ergani district of Diyarbakır, since his father's place of duty changed since the 4th grade of primary school.