Ear Diseases
These ear diseases; tinnitus, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, otitis externa, otitis media, excessive earwax formation, tympanic membrane perforation, vertigo, acoustic neuroma, meniere, eczema in the outer ear, earache and fluid collection in the ear.
Other Treatments
He was born in 1981 in Zile district of Tokat. Starting primary school at Rize Atatürk Primary School, Dr. Deniz Yazıcı continued his education life in the Ergani district of Diyarbakır, since his father's place of duty changed since the 4th grade of primary school.
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases
Ear Diseases