What is Nose Aesthetics?
What is Nose Aesthetics?
Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic operations in our country. Thanks to this operation, which is called nasoplasty or rhinoplasty in the medical literature, congenital or acquired nasal deformities are eliminated, allowing people to breathe more easily. This operation can be performed depending on personal preferences or as a result of health problems.
Deformities that occur in the nose are sometimes only wanted to be eliminated with aesthetic concerns, and sometimes they are eliminated because it removes the possibility of breathing in a healthy way. Bone bending or cartilage deformities in the nose prevent the person from breathing properly. In addition to preventing healthy breathing, it is also the main cause of deformities in the nose of the person.
What is Nose Tip Aesthetics?
While rhinoplasty is among the frequently preferred operations in our cities such as Izmir, nasal tip aesthetics is performed at least as much as this operation. Undoubtedly, one of the parts that most affect the appearance of the nose is the tip of the nose. We know that nasal tip aesthetics is performed for reasons such as the width of the nose tip, congested-looking nasal tips, and different sizes of the nostrils.
This is a sub-branch of aesthetic rhinoplasty. No intervention is made to the nasal bone while the operations are being performed. After the interventions performed on the soft and cartilage tissue at the tip of the nose, the aesthetic operation is performed. It is easier than rhinoplasty operation. You may be able to be discharged during the day. This intervention will be completed in about 1 hour and you will have the look you want.
Nose Aesthetics Methods
Nose aesthetics can be performed with three different methods: open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty and non-surgical rhinoplasty. When it comes to open rhinoplasty, an incision is made between the nostrils. Thanks to this incision, the doctor's field of view is increased. The doctor, whose field of view increases, performs the desired operation in a healthier way.
When it comes to closed rhinoplasty, there are small incisions that will remain in the nostrils. During this operation, more minor corrections are made. At the same time, this operation shows faster recovery compared to open rhinoplasty. At the same time, bruises and swellings that occur after the operation are less observed after this operation.
Nasal filling is included in the scope of non-surgical rhinoplasty. Since these operations are used only for the removal of minor appearance defects, large-scale changes in the nasal bones are not in question. Rhinoplasty doctors successfully perform all three types of operations in our city of Izmir. One of these three operations is preferred within the framework that the doctors deem necessary, and it is ensured that you get the look you want in a short time.
Nose Aesthetics Recovery Process
Rhinoplasty prices vary within the scope of the hospital within the framework of Izmir. Branded hospitals and branded doctors charge higher fees for these operations compared to other hospitals and doctors. Having your nose done by a really good surgeon will protect you from complications that may occur after aesthetics.
The most difficult process of rhinoplasty is the first 4-6 hours. It is not recommended for patients to even stand up during this time. During this process, pain relief treatments are started and the patient is told what to do. At the end of this process, patients who do not show signs of vomiting are allowed to eat.
Depending on the condition of the patients, they may even be under observation for one day. Patients who are informed by the doctor about what to do according to the course of the surgery can easily recover without experiencing intense and severe pain as long as they follow these instructions.