Is Rhinoplasty Painful?
Is Rhinoplasty Painful?
Rhinoplasty is an operation that all those who do not like their nose think about. But people are afraid of having surgery because of the pain and risks. Compared to the past, aesthetic nose surgeries are now easier and cheaper. With the developing medicine and new inventions every day, the success rate in aesthetic surgeries has increased. With the vast experience of the surgeons in Izmir, you can find answers to all your problems and get information about rhinoplasty. If you have a curvature, broken nose, falling while smiling or an arched appearance, it is much more appropriate for you to have surgery in terms of health and aesthetics. Thanks to the research you will do, you should meet with the doctor suitable for you and talk about a nose that is suitable for your face. With your doctor's 2D and 3D tools, you can choose the nose that fits your face on the screen and have the surgery. In patients with thick skin, edema passes later and your nasal swelling goes down later than in patients with thin skin. This is not the case in patients with thin skin. They get results more quickly and the nasal swelling goes down more quickly.
Our rhinoplasty procedure in 5 steps;
With the doctor research you will do for rhinoplasty in Izmir, you can evaluate this issue with the surgeon and get ideas about the nose shape that suits you best. There is no specific age for rhinoplasty. The important thing is that for rhinoplasty, the person must complete the development of bone and cartilage. While rhinoplasty is divided into two as open and closed, today it has taken its place in ultrasonic surgery. Open Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation performed by opening the lower part of the nose. The recovery time is long, but the doctor can see the inside of the nose with a wide angle. Closed rhinoplasty is a surgery performed with incisions made in the nostrils. The surgeon sees the inside of the nose with a narrow angle. Stitches are not seen and recovery time is shorter than open Rhinoplasty. The patient recovers quickly. In rhinoplasty surgery; rasp, hammer and striking tools are not used. It is a surgical operation performed by correcting protruding and curved areas in the cartilage tissue with an ultrasonic device. It is more expensive than open and closed Rhinoplasty. However, bruising and pain are negligible.
The Price of Nose Aesthetics
The price of rhinoplasty is now cheaper and more economical than before. The person who wants to have rhinoplasty can do the necessary research for rhinoplasty prices and get price information according to the nose shape and problem. The patient who wants to have aesthetic nose surgery can get information from the surgeon about this issue and get answers to the questions in his mind. Nose aesthetics is an important subject that requires a lot of finesse. Because the percentage occupies an important place. Having a beautiful nose is also important for self-confidence. The nose structure of Turkey is close to the Persian nose family and therefore it can be arched. In the arched nose, a curved nose is tried to be made by filing the protruding area and slightly lifting the tip. Recently, it is possible to correct arched noses without the need for filing in patients with appropriate arch height.
Why is Nose Aesthetics Performed?
Rhinoplasty is an operation that can be performed for many reasons. It can also be done in terms of aesthetics and health in order to eliminate the problems that occur in the functions of the nose. In general, the patient does not need to breathe hard in order to have rhinoplasty. They may also prefer Rhinoplasty surgeries to improve the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty techniques may be changed by the surgeons you will meet in Izmir. This situation also affects the recovery period of the patients and can have an important role in terms of aesthetics.